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Constitutional Amendment

@ 04:37 pm

Ingrid du Toit

Welcome to the Forum. Note that a copy of the proposed Constitution as well as an explanatory memerandum and the recording of the first webinar are all available in the GM Drop Box.


@ 04:38 pm

Ingrid du Toit

Re: Constitutional Amendment
@ 12:51 pm

Paolo Sanzo

Constitutional Amendment
Just a reminder that all individual MOs are invited to comment and discuss some of the proposed changes for the articles discussed in the first webinar. The hope is that all discussion will occur in the months prior to the general meeting so that the proposed changes can be implemented and then the new constitution can be ratified in its entirety at the meeting. Please take advantage of this opportunity to provide commentary and constructive suggestions so that the updated constitution reflects the ideas of the members and helps IFOMPT continue to grow and develop as an organization.
@ 09:16 pm

Amy Fagan

Re: Constitutional Amendment
Pleased to learn that the Constitution terminology and language are be updated. The addition of musculoskeletal to Article II and IV will modernises the Constitution and align with contemporary terminology. The term reciprocal refers to an agreement or obligation bearing on or binding each of [b]two parties[/b] equally and has been suitable MOUs were necessary in regards to reciprocal recognition. Since 2016 eight MOs have granted universal recognition. Did the task force consider adding this term to the Constitution?
@ 03:12 am

Paolo Sanzo

Re: Constitutional Amendment
Thank you for the suggested terminology of universal recognition. Are there any other thoughts on the use of this term as opposed to reciprocal recognition? Any other thoughts from MOs and RIGs is greatly appreciated on this item and any other relevant topics related to the changes proposed in the revised constitution?
@ 02:01 am

Haideh Plock

Re: Constitutional Amendment
Could you provide more information on the rationale behind adding "musculoskeletal science" to the list of terms that make up OMT? Thank you.
@ 09:39 am

Michael Boni

Re: Constitutional Amendment
Hi All, Paolo, once again thanks for moderating this. I have received some feedback from one of our members in Canada and thought I would post it here for discussion. "I have been made aware of the 3rd draft for a proposed new vision put forward by the IFOMPT executive. For the past 50 years, IFOMPT's vision was for the promotion of excellence in manual /musculoskeletal physiotherapists. Note, this descriptor of IFOMPT has removed the term "Manipulative " and replaced it with "musculoskeletal" It states it is time for IFOMPT to expand our vision, our scope and our influence. But should it be at the expense of dilution of it's expertise? Various phrases such as changing to an "external focus", "leading the global community in musculoskeletal health", "defining best physiotherapy practice for musculoskeletal conditions" indicate a subtle change in direction away from manual therapy skills, techniques, or philosophy as part of managing musculoskeletal conditions. I wonder what the leaders of the various National Orthopaedic organizations, not to mention their members, would think of IFOMPT 's aim over the next 5 years is to "be the go-to organization worldwide for the promotion of musculoskeletal health..."?" "For many reasons, I personally feel that the goal of expansion of IFOMPT to be all inclusive for musculoskeletal conditions, especially those that have no affiliation with respect to the need of manual or manipulative therapy, may be seen as a bit intrusive into the realm of other organizations. I am not sure how they would feel about that." These are some interesting points to consider and would appreciate other MO thoughts on this. Michael
@ 12:42 am

Paolo Sanzo

Re: Constitutional Amendment
Thank you for the inquiry Haideh but can you provide some further context for the question? I will attempt to provide a brief response and more detailed after more context is provided.
@ 12:46 am

Paolo Sanzo

Re: Constitutional Amendment
Thank you for the inquiry about the term "musculoskeletal science". This term has been added to try to incorporate the language that is often being used in the research literature and represent the comprehensive nature of the clinical reasoning process that is used in the assessment and treatment of the broad spectrum of neuromusculoskeletal and orthopedic problems that are seen. We are also seeing this term being used more as various groups have also begun to incorporate this term into the names of their respective organizations and programs as well as major journals modifying their name to better reflect some of the changes and evolution of what we are doing as physiotherapists. Also, the section of the constitution with definitions has the definition of OMPT that was voted on in Cape Town in 2004; at that time a list of terms that IFOMPT felt were interchangeable including OMT, OMPT, and Musculoskeletal PT were added to the list. This was added at the request of members of IFOMPT to accommodate countries that felt that MSK more fully represented OMPT area of practice. Let us bring this question back to the forum and see what others think?
@ 07:58 am

Michael Boni

Re: Constitutional Amendment
To put context to the above noted feedback, it came from a past president of IFOMPT (Robert Syndenham) who is very familiar with the historical perspective of IFOMPT and manipulative therapy. This comment was also made in context of concern that a special interest group such as IFOMPT or members of IFOMPT may not be called as advisors to the legal table should adverse events arise with manipulation if the term 'manipulative' be removed from its title. On another note, I do want to mention that Canada has recently changed its community program name to the Advanced Integrated Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Program to reflect the changing times as well. Is there a way to honour the past history of IFOMPT while it tries to move forward and keep up with the times.
@ 10:10 pm

Haideh Plock

Re: Constitutional Amendment
To answer your question Paolo, some concern was raised regarding the addition of this term to the list of those describing OMPT. Similar to the concern that was raised by the member in Canada. There was some thought that adding this term would contribute to the confusion surrounding manual therapy. Others felt that the term 'musculoskeletal science' was too broad and vague when used to define OMPT.