IFOMPT Webinars

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IFOMPT hosts up to six webinars per year with the purpose of sharing knowledge and exposing our Member Organisations, Associate Member Organisations and Registered Interest Groups to renowned presenters from around the world. Webinars are attended at a small attendance fee and the income is used to further enhance the objects of IFOMPT. The webinars are recorded and are available a library hosted by APTA on a user-pay basis following the live events - 


Note that APTA membership is not required to access the webinars, but you do need to set up an APTA ID – there is no cost for that.  Simply  go to https://learningcenter.apta.org/IFOMPT in order to register. For easy access to the specific recordings you can also click on the link below the photograph of each presenter in the IFOMPT Webinar Hall of Fame once you have an APTA account.

Any recommendations about potental presenters are most welcome and can be sent to admin@ifompt.org.

IFOMPT Webinar Hall of Fame 

We have been honoured to have highly respected presenters involved in our webinars and acknowledge their contribution to reaching the IFOMPT objective of sharing knowledge for the advancement of OMPT practice worldwide.

Webinar H 1-814 

Webinar H2-427


List of Webinars 
Updates from the Amsterdam International Consensus on Concussion in Sport
Kathryn will share updates from the Amsterdam International Consensus on Concussion in Sport and provide tips to help in the management of concussion in your clinical practice.
CS Webinar-532
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Firas Webinar
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A guide to identify cervical autonomic dysfunctions (and associated conditions) in patients with musculoskeletal disorders in physical therapy practice - Dr Firas Mourad
Differential diagnosis is a hot topic in physical therapy, especially for those working in a direct access setting dealing with neck pain and its associated disorders. All international guidelines agree in recommending to first rule out non-musculoskeletal pathologies as the cause of signs and symptoms in the patient. Although the autonomic nervous system (ANS) has a crucial role and is also involved in pain conditions, coverage of it in neuroscience textbooks and educational programmes is limited and most healthcare professionals are unfamiliar with it. Although autonomic conditions are benign in nature, they are clinically of great importance as they may be a ‘red flag’ warning of an injury along the sympathetic pathway. Therefore, sound knowledge of the ANS system is essential for clinicians. Gaining knowledge and understanding of the ANS, its function, its dysfunction, and the related clinical manifestations is likely to lead to a decision-making process driven by ‘science and conscience’. This will empower physical therapists to be aware of subtle clues that may be offered by patients during the interview and history intake leading to the appropriate physical examination and triage.
Learning outcomes: To develop physical therapists’ knowledge of and confidence in understanding cervical ANS function and dysfunction, thus enhancing clinical reasoning skills and the pattern recognition process, and performing and interpreting objective examinations.
Diagnostic labels for musculoskeletal pain – Weighing benefits against harms - Dr Mary O'Keeffe

Mary O'Keeffe is one of the keynote speakers at the IFOMPT 50th Celebration Conference in Basel in July 2024 where she will present on "Innovative models of care in musculoskeletal and manual physical therapy". This webinar talks to her conference topic and covers Diagnostic labels for musculoskeletal pain – Weighing benefits against harms. She will discuss research around diagnostic labels for musculoskeletal pain. The goal of this presentation is to get clinicians and academics alike thinking and reflecting about the potential benefits and harms of using different language and labels with our patients.

Mary O keeffe-215


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Microinstability of the hip joint – does it even exist?
Part 1 Theory and background
Part 2: Patient case example and management - Maria Brugner Seewald

The hip joint is considered an inherently stable joint due to its bony shape and tight ligamentous structures. Nevertheless, morphological changes (dysplasia, cam / pincer morphology for example), as well as reduced integrity of passive structures (e.g. labral lesions) or lack of motor control are described in the literature to have the potential to lead to microinstabilities (MI).

MI is also discussed as a contributor to the development of hip osteoarthritis over a prolonged period of time, therefore recognition and appropriate management is crucial.

Non-specific Neck Pain and Stability: Beyond Chin Tuck - Exploring Functional Rehabilitation and Evidence-based Management - René Bakodi

Non-specific neck pain is a common problem among patients seeking help in physical therapy clinics. This webinar will review examination steps to distinguish between functional and structural instability as well as identify and interpret muscular deficits.

Current literature on active stabilization and strengthening of the cervical spine will be presented and critically reviewed. In addition, a strengthening program (The Glory Nine) will be presented which has already shown excellent results in terms of pain reduction and functional improvement in a pilot study.

Bakodi Front page-141-452

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Annina Webinar-228

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Neuropathic pain: Clinical assessment and relevance for management
This webinar will cover aspects relating to
  1. What is neuropathic pain?
  2. An explanation for why not all nerve pain is neuropathic
  3. Clinical assessment of neuropathic pain
  4. Consequences for management
Prof Schmid will provide snippets on translating the neuroscience all the way from the bench to the bedside and provide ideas on how to make sense of complex patient presentations of patients with nerve pain.

Assessment, triage, and physiotherapy care of patients with cervicogenic headache, migraine, and tension-type headache - Dr Anthony Demont
Headache is a clinical symptom and is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system in the population. It is a painful and disabling manifestation that can be triggered by a primary cause (migraine, tension-type headache, cluster headache...) or secondary (attributed to the neck, vascular disorders...). This symptom is a frequent reason for consultation in primary care. Varying considerably from one region of the world to another, headache disorders are considered a public health issue in terms of disability and financial cost to society. Headaches impact all dimensions of the patient's life (personal and professional) and contribute to strongly modify behaviours such as the constant apprehension of the next painful episode. The understanding of headache and the mechanisms of chronicisation have greatly evolved in the scientific literature and therefore condition the use of evidence-based practices to provide treatments personalised to the patient's health status. This webinar aims at understanding the assessment, referral choices and treatments that can be provided to patients consulting for prevalent types of headache including tension-type headache, migraine, and cervicogenic headache.
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Rosedale Webinar-642
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When is an extremity problem not an extremity problem? - Richard Rosedale

Many times a day, in our clinical practice we go through the process of 'screening the spine' for an isolated extremity problem. We may ask about spinal pain/history and look at spinal range of motion or maybe palpate the spine. Often, after a quick check we move onto the extremity: we’ve ‘cleared the spine’. But how sure are we that this is the case? On what are we basing this daily decision? If the spine is implicated, will there always be spinal pain? loss of range? production of extemity pain on palpation? On what are we basing these decisions? Research, clinical experience or assumptions?
For such a critical clinical area that can dictate our ongoing focus of management, unfortunately, the research is lacking and assumptions abound. Clinical experience will only get us so far, as for many, once we have ‘cleared the spine’ the extremity becomes the focus and the spine is never revisited.
This presentation will be exploring some provisional data which suggests that isolated extremity pain is quite commonly ‘coming from the spine’ and we have some indicators that help us predict if this is likely to be the case.

Management of Patients with Headache - Drs Kiran Satpute and Kerstin Luedtke

Dr Kiran Satpute who is an under- and post graduate lecturer at the Physiotherapy College affiliated to Maharashtra Medical University of Health Sciences in India and a Mulligan Concept Instructor will start the presentation looking at: Examination of cervical Impairments in headache
Physiotherapists are often involved in the management of various forms of headache including cervicogenic headache, migraine and tension type headache. In part this is due to presence of neck pain in these patients. However, the presence of neck pain in headache is not necessarily associated with cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction. A lack of musculoskeletal dysfunction suggests treatment to the cervical spine is unlikely to be helpful. Thus the role of the physiotherapist is to accurately identify the presence of neck musculoskeletal dysfunction, relate this information to headache symptoms and use the assessment findings to build a rationale for physiotherapy management.

Kerstin Luedtke, a physiotherapist and a Professor for Physiotherapy at the University of Lübeck in Germany,  will then proceed discussing: Physiotherapy management of patients with different types of headache
The presentation will focus on the pathophysiology  and the management of primary headache, and specifically migraine and cervicogenic headache and tension-type headache. It will give an insight into the management and diagnostic procedures for patients with migraine and headache. This will include discussing effective interventions.

Kiran and Kerstin-533
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Natahn webinar-849

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Safe Management of People With Neck Pain and Headache: An Update - Dr Nathan Hutting

Neck pain is a highly prevalent condition that can lead to considerable pain, disability and economic costs. Cervical spine manipulation and mobilisation are frequently used in the management of neck pain and headache. Although very rare, serious adverse events following cervical spine treatment have been described in literature. The current hypothesis regarding these serious adverse events is that patients presenting with neck pain and headache who go on to develop a serious adverse event, such as a dissection, have an underlying pathology which is subsequently aggravated by treatment.
Neck pain, headache, and/or orofacial symptoms are potentially often the first symptoms of an underlying vascular pathology (e.g. craniocervical artery dissection) or blood flow limitation. To identify a underlying vasculogenic contribution, physiotherapists and other musculoskeletal clinicians should have up-to-date knowledge about risk factors, signs and symptoms and should be able to perform a contemporary subjective and objective examination and clinical reasoning process. The IFOMPT Cervical Framework guides clinicians to assess the cervical spine for potential vascular pathologies before planning interventions. However, evidence suggests that musculoskeletal clinicians’ knowledge and skills regarding the identification of an underlying vasculogenic contribution to the patient’s complaints can be improved. Therefore, a contemporary approach regarding safe management of people with neck pain and headache will be presented in this IFOMPT webinar.


Reframing how we care for people living with persistent MSK pain - Prof Jeremy Lewis

Why do we need to change our direction?
* We are not being honest with people seeking care.
* We are prioritising low-value and high-cost procedures on an industrial scale.
* The provision of healthcare is inequitable and unsustainable.

How as a profession can we provide better care to the communities we are serving?
Jeremy 3-837
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Peter Website-804
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Cognitive Functional Therapy for people with disabling low back pain - Prof Peter O'Sullivan
The presentation will overview:
* A case study with disabling low back pain
* The problem of disabling low back pain
* Common low back pain myths and facts
* The biopsychosocial processes that under pin disabling low back pain
* Guidelines for management of low back pain
* Screening, patient interview, physical examination and multi-dimensional clinical framework
* Cognitive Functional Therapy as a PT-led patient-centred behavioural approach to train patients to self-manage their condition
* Evidence for efficacy

ACL injury: Debunking misconceptions and improving physiotherapy management - Dr Stephanie Filbay

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury can have devastating long-term impacts for young, active individuals. Despite two recommended management options with similar long-term outcomes (ACL reconstruction and postoperative rehabilitation or initial rehabilitation with optional delayed ACL reconstruction), ACL reconstruction is the most common treatment strategy in many countries and surgical rates are increasing exponentially. This webinar will draw upon current evidence to debunk a range of misconceptions related to ACL injury management options. We will address questions including... Can a ruptured ACL heal? Is surgery needed to return to pivoting sport? Is the risk of knee re-injury higher if you don’t have an ACL reconstruction? Strategies for identifying individuals at risk of poor long-term outcomes after ACL injury will be presented. This webinar will provide clinicians with knowledge to inform patients about ACL injury management options to improve management decisions.

Filbay Webinar-435-315
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Anita FP-548
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Living evidence – Manual therapy and exercise for neck pain - Anita Gross
Anita will present the evidence from a risk advising grade perspective and the tidal wave of information that is reaching us. Take home messages for clinicians will include: how do I dose my manual therapy; how do I dose my exercise; what specific elements of exercise do I need; and what is our future direction in terms of running randomised trials and knowledge translation dissemination and uptake.

Inflammation, pain and the brain: Considering post-Covid musculo skeletal pain - Jacqui Koep
The immune system is coming into focus as being a key player in the experience of pain and fatigue.
This presentation will explore the role of the immune system in managing inflammation and how pro-inflammatory states, following injury or an infection (such a Covid-19), can lead to a sensitized nervous system and result in pain and fatigue. The clinical implications of managing patients with sensitized neuroimmune systems, who present with joint pain, will be discussed.

Koep Slide 1 2-453

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Julia T-888
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The role of the musculoskeletal physiotherapist in the management of post-concussion symptoms - Dr Julia Treleaven
Symptoms of headache, dizziness, visual disturbances and neck pain are common post concussion and can be vestibular, physiological, ocular or cervical in nature. The role of the musculoskeletal physiotherapist is to perform a skilled examination to determine whether or not the cervical spine is implicated in any of the symptoms. They should also have sufficient skill and knowledge of evidenced based assessments that can be used to screen for vestibular, ocular and physiological deficits post concussion in order to identify the potential systems involved in the production of the symptoms. This will assist directions for appropriate further assessment and management or prompt referral to other professionals for if required. An integrated and co-ordinated approach is often necessary. Further the cervical spine potentially has a primary and secondary prevention role for concussion with emphasis on specific and relevant rehabilitation of the cervical spine musculature.

The ethical side of manual therapy - Dr Ina Diener
Manual therapy is currently much under discussion in the literature and on social platforms. The presentation aims to discuss the current evidence-base for the use of manual therapy in musculoskeletal pain conditions.

An ethical approach in manual therapy is based in a biopsychosocial paradigm, where a therapeutic alliance and effective clinical communication are the cornerstones of intervention. Furthermore, MT, as a meaningful part of a package of care in musculoskeletal pain conditions, should serve to facilitate reaching optimum functional levels, and should guide a patient towards self-management of their MSK condition.

It is the ethical responsibility of physiotherapists to maintain evidence-based knowledge and skill in the field they are working.
Ina Pres 1-931

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A Grimaldi-662

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Gluteal Tendinopathy:Steps towards success - Dr Alison Grimaldi

Lateral hip pain associated with gluteal tendinopathy is a prevalent condition, particularly in post-menopausal women. It is associated with substantial impacts on sleep and weightbearing function with quality-of-life similar to that of end stage hip osteoarthritis. Diagnosis is often delayed, and first line management usually involves corticosteroid injection with little or no active intervention. A substantial body of evidence is now available that has elucidated likely pathoaetiology, diagnostic utility of clinical tests, and reported kinematic variations and impairments of the abductor musculotendinous complex in this population. Early recognition of the condition through appropriate differential diagnosis and diagnostic tests, when followed quickly with an active, evidence-based intervention is likely to optimise outcomes. High-quality randomised clinical trial evidence has established that a specific load management education and exercise approach is highly effective and superior to corticosteroid injection or wait-and-see in both the short and long term.
Learning objectives:
This presentation will aim to:
• outline the current evidence base around pathoaetiology, diagnosis and impairments associated with gluteal tendinopathy
• outline a management approach that has been shown to be highly successful in rigorous clinical trial conditions
• ensure clinicians have practical take away tips to implement immediately in the clinic

A New IFOMPT Cervical Framework for Vascular Pathologies:
Where are we now? - Dr Roger Kerry
This lecture is based around the recent publication of the IFOMPT Cervical Framework for Vascular Pathologies of the Neck. Safety of patients has always been an urgent concern of all therapists. For decades, the wide-use of manual techniques for cranio-cervical dysfunction has been associated with serious neuro-vascular adverse events, e.g. stroke. This concern has impacted on our practice in many ways, from developing testing and screening methods, through to the wholesale avoidance of therapeutic interventions. In this lecture I will draw on the best of evidence to understand how to consider, assess, and manage risk for people with head and/or neck pain. I claim that we have made some errors of thinking in the past decades which has led us from the real issues at hand; thus delaying a more reasoned, scientific approach to assessment of risk. A clinical reasoning framework which facilitates identification of vascular pathology in people presenting with head and neck pain will be presented. This supersedes previous guidance which seeks to 'screen' for at risk patients. The key outcomes of the lecture are to understand and implement a more evidence base risk assessment strategy for people seeking treatment for their head and/or neck pain.


Available on demand till 15 January 2021
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IFOMPT Lecture Series - Duncan Reid 1

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Increasing Research Capacity in Clinical Practice- An Epidemiological Model - Prof Duncan Reid
It is often stated that there is a disconnect between research that goes on in academic institutions and clinical practice. It is also often stated that clinicians are too busy to engage in research as they have high clinical workloads. Clinicians need research to inform their practice and researchers need clinicians to be able to access patients so they can deliver research that matters. There is a wealth of knowledge sitting in clinical notes that could easily inform research questions or demonstrate important outcomes in clinical practice. One of the challenges to using this type of clinical data is the variability with which data is collected. The aim of this webinar is to provide clinicians with a framework for collecting good epidemiological data in a logical fashion that helps to inform wider questions. This will be based on research undertaken in a sports physiotherapy environment but has wider applicability to musculoskeletal practice.

Pain Science - Hands-on or Hands-off? - Dr Louie Puentedura

Pain Neuroscience Education teaches us that pain comes from the brain, and that pain and injury (tissue damage) are not synonymous. If pain comes from the brain, then why do manual therapy? Doesn’t manual therapy foster dependence upon the provider? Doesn’t it focus on anatomical issues, i.e. the tissues? Can pain neuroscience and manual therapy co-exist? Can manual therapy be a way to give the brain and helping hand?
In this webinar, Dr. Louie Puentedura will lead these discussions and provide an evidence-informed rationale for merging manual therapy and pain neuroscience education.

Pain Science Louie Puentedura

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Red Flags Laura Finucane

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An international framework to support identification of serious pathology of the spine - Translating into clinical practice - Laura Finucane
While they often lack high quality empirical evidence, red flags remain the best tools available to the clinician to raise suspicion of serious spinal pathology when used in the context of a thorough, subjective and physical examination. The framework requires the clinician to consider both the evidence to support red flags and the individual profile of their patient to decide how concerned they are that a serious condition may exist. This webinar will look at how you might apply the framework into practice.

Early physiotherapy management of acute whiplash injury: How can we do better?- Prof Michelle Sterling
Physiotherapists are the health care provider most commonly involved in the management of acute whiplash injury. Yet traditional physiotherapy treatments of advice, exercise and manual therapy have only small effects with many injured people developing chronic pain and disability despite treatment. Injured people with poor recovery present a complex clinical picture with psychological distress (particularly posttraumatic stress symptoms) and features of nociplastic pain making clinical management challenging. This webinar will outline evident-based risk stratified assessment of people with acute whiplash and how treatment targeting individual risk factors can be integrated into usual physiotherapy care.
Acute Whiplash Michele Sterling

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Knee OA Kim Bennell

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Increasing accessibility to physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis - Prof  Kim Bennell
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a major public health problem worldwide. Self-management via lifestyle treatments, such as exercise/physical activity and weight loss, is integral to minimizing pain and maintaining physical function. However, OA care is suboptimal internationally with underuse of lifestyle treatments a major problem. There are numerous barriers to uptake of and adherence to lifestyle treatments. One major barrier is difficulty accessing clinicians and/or resources (due to geography, lack of clinicians, cost, inconvenience & disability). Given the high adoption rate of computers, mobile devices and internet globally, online approaches provide new opportunities for delivering services remotely to people with osteoarthritis and supporting them to self-manage. These approaches include internet-mediated video conferencing, mobile phone text messaging, web resources & online support groups. Blended interventions are also relatively new ways of delivering health care whereby online resources are combined with some degree of therapeutic guidance. Evidence for effectiveness of such approaches will be reviewed. Key challenges to implementation and future directions for research in the field will be highlighted.

Motor Control changes on low-back pain - Prof  Jaap van Dieen
Pain and especially movement-related pain is a strong stimulus to change the way we move. Consequently, differences in motor control between patients with low-back pain and healthy controls can be expected. However, studies show that these changes are not very inconsistent; large variance exists in findings on motor control between studies and between patients within studies. The theoretical approach I take in my research is to consider changes in motor control in low-back pain as outcomes of a learning process under the influence of pain and pain-related cognitions. This theory yields quite specific predictions that are largely in line with empirical observations, but that require further testing. In this webinar, I will outline this theory, describe motor control changes that we and others have observed in patients with low-back pain and finally I will discuss clinical implications. 
Motor Control and Low Back Pain JvanDieen

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Role of Thorax Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Diane Lee

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The Role of the Thorax in Pelvic Girdle Pain & Dysfunction - Diane Lee
Understanding the relationship between, and within, body regions and the consequences of impaired function of one region on another is complex. Many health practitioners specialize in body regions (low back, neck, knee) and treatment is often based on the practitioner’s training and experience. However, this reductionist approach may not be optimal in that each body region is also integrated, and interdependent, as part of the whole body/person.  No studies have correlated persistent pain anywhere in the body to a consistent impairment. Therefore, in persistent pain conditions such as low back pain, pelvic girdle, pain, plantar fasciitis, headache etc., understanding what body region, and system within that region, should be treated requires an individual clinical reasoning approach. This 45-minute lecture will introduce tests to determine when the thorax is playing a critical role for an individual with impaired function of the pelvic girdle (loss of mobility and/or control) with or without associated pelvic girdle pain. The role of manual therapy for articular, neural, myofascial and/or visceral system impairments impacting the various thoracic rings will be outlined as part of the individualised multi-modal treatment approach.

Getting on your Nerves: Clues and Pitfalls when Assessing and Managing Patients with Entrapment Neuropathies - Dr Annina Schmid 
Patients with entrapment neuropathies such as radiculopathies or carpal tunnel syndrome are frequently seen by physiotherapists. However, diagnosis and treatment often remain challenging. In this webinar, I will incorporate the latest evidence from both clinical and preclinical sciences which have significantly advanced our understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of entrapment neuropathies. Common believes will be challenged and clues and pitfalls in the assessment and management of patients with entrapment neuropathies highlighted. This webinar will help participants to
  1. understand the heterogeneity of patients with entrapment neuropathies.
  2. know how to (or not to) interpret commonly used tests
  3. understand why a one-size-fits-all management for these patients has failed.
Entrapment Neuropathies Annina Schmid

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Manual Therapy and Exercise for Headache Toby Hall

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Manual Therapy and Exercise for Headache - Dr Toby Hall
Headache is a common and debilitating condition, which can be difficult to diagnose and manage as it is both a symptom and a disease. The International Headache Society lists more than 300 different forms of headache, many arising from serious pathology, and clearly not all can be managed through physical intervention such as manual therapy and exercise. However, physical treatments have been shown to be effective in the long-term management of specific headache forms, including cervicogenic and tension-type headache. This seminar clarified evidence-based classification and management of headache suitable for physical treatment including exercise to improve clinical management. 

Non-Specific Neck Pain: The Case for Specific Treatment - Emeritus Prof Gwendolen Jull 
The burden of neck pain is rising. In recent times, the term non-specific neck pain has been advocated in some quarters in recognition of the difficulty in diagnosing a distinct pathological lesion either in the clinical examination or with current imaging practices. In tandem, generic non-specific management approaches of advice and activity are appearing. In this webinar, it will be argued, based on extensive research, that any prospect of reducing the burden of neck pain for the individual patient requires patient centred, specific care whether the management is, manipulative therapy, therapeutic exercise, education, or behaviour modification.
Nonspecific Neck Pain Gwendolen Jull

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Manual Therapy and Pain Science Chad Cook
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Manual Therapy and Pain Science - Two Brothers from Another Mother - Prof Chad Cook
Pain Science and Orthopedic Manual Therapy are both intervention methods that are designed to reduce pain and improve global outcomes of patients. Both interventions involve pain modulatory principles and both have been well studied in the literature. Recent social media chatter, clinical opinion, and an occasional publication, have pitted these two intervention methods as opposing constructs. This webinar discusses the key principles of each approach and compares and contrasts. Certainly, the methods are not the same, but interestingly, they have similar genetics that are worth discussion.