IFOMPT Task Force on the Revision of the IFOMPT Educational Standards

IFOMPT Task Force on the Revision of the IFOMPT Educational Standards
Lenerdene Levesque (Chair), TBD (Standards Committee) Bart Vanthillo (EC), Renee de Ruijter (Switzerland, Steve Milanese (Ex Standards Committee).  Tim Noblet (UK), Marloes de Graaf (Netherlands), Richard Newsham-West (Australia), Adrien Mounier-Poulat (France), Ali Alshami (Saudi Arabia) and Ingrid du Toit (Executive Director).
A review of the standards should take place on a cyclical basis to reflect changes to contemporary advanced manual and musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice and support the strategic direction of IFOMPT, ensuring they are fit for purpose.
It is time to update the standards and ensure they meet the needs of IFOMPT, its members and future members, and deliver on the strategic plan’s intent to grow membership and be more inclusive, whilst still leading on the promotion of high international standards.
The Task Force (TF) will deliver advice to the Executive Committee (EC) addressing:
Objective 1
The nature and role of standards in relation to membership pathways in IFOMPT, including an exploration of the concept of minimum versus optimal threshold standards and their implications in implementation.
Objective 2
A critical analysis and amendments to modernize the standards in line with current and future practice.
Objective 3
The production of a new version of the Educational Standards Document for the EC to review and then for present to the MO Delegate Assembly for approval.
Objective 4
A comprehensive timeline for implementation of the revised standards as they relate to existing and new programs.
The TF may also raise matters and provide advice for consideration to the EC on related matters that arise in the course of their work.

Communication and Reporting
The task force chair will be responsible for ensuring effective communication between the task force and the EC.
Working Methods
The task force will work remotely using email, video conferencing, online meeting platforms, or any other technology as needed to enable fair and reasonable consideration of any matters. All documents will be available to members in electronic format, information contained in documents is confidential to IFOMPT staff, the task force, and the EC.
Conflict of Interest
Members of the task force will comply with IFOMPT’s conflict of interest policy, and any other relevant policies, at all times. Members will declare any matters that may create a true or perceived conflict of interest or bias at the start of each meeting and at other times as required by policies.
Limitation on Powers
The task force cannot invite further individuals onto the task force without the specific agreement of the EC.

IFOMPT May 2024